Thursday, 9 July 2015

Dear 12 Year Old Dot

Dear Dot,

End of Year 7? That didn't go as badly as expected! That stupid anxious feeling you keep getting, yeah that's not gone yet. But you're better at handling it now. Which is good news. You'll start to understand it in about 4 years time. 

You'll have fun over the next few years. You start to make your own decisions and form your own opinions, which you've never really had the freedom to do before. There's no longer a right and wrong answer. There's all these different circumstances and solutions in between 'Yes' and 'No' which you get to explore and choose which you like.

I should probably say, you might want to try and be politer. I know snapping at people is your 'defense mechanism' but the people you're snapping at have done absolutely nothing to deserve it. They're good eggs who you'll actually make friends with in a few months. Bear that in mind and be nice. Please. You don't want to develop a name for yourself as a rude bitch, right?

You're happy though. And that's good. 

Something I should probably bring up. Your sport.. Clearly you're rather talented at it, and goodness it's doing wonders for your body. Appreciate it whilst it's there. Honestly, throw yourself into every training session, 100%. Leave dripping in sweat. Try your absolute hardest. Those doubts you're having about some people at the club, you're completely right. Steer away from them and stick with your pals. Things are going to change there an awful lot and you're going to let it get to you. I won't ruin the surprise of what actually happens but keep your wits about you and don't let yourself be manipulated by the so called 'hero' who comes to save the day.

You're doing well though at this stage. Everything seems secure, safe and happy. 

You've not realized the mess you've created behind you, but you're happy. That's all that's important right? Well, not quite. But that'll get resolved sooner or later and you do make up for behaving like a little brat. 

One other very small thing, go the doctors about your skin. Please! Because 18 year old you is facing the consequences of you hiding your crappy skin for 5 years under a heap of cheap makeup.

That's all. I'll check back in a couple of years time to give you an update.

Love from
Dot x

I'm pretty sure this was released when I was 12... I'm sorry if I am wrong


  1. I'm glad your advice is to make the most of the talent for sport you had. If I had a talent for sport I would definitely make the most of it too haha. But seriously, the advice you give is so relatable and I'm sure all your readers, especially your younger ones, are finding it really useful xxx

    1. I got better at it when my confidence grew- but that took a while ^.^ There were problems at the club though so, unfortunately, my memories of it are fairly negative :(

      Thank you- I'm not sure how many younger listeners I have cause I can be a bit sweary but I hope, if I have any, they enjoy it anyway ^.^

  2. I really enjoyed reading this post, your writing style is so flowy and amazing and it is so clear that you have learned a lot from 12 year old you!
    - LF xxx

  3. I'm loving this series. Great advice to 12 year old you and I just love the way you write x

    1. Thank you so much- that means an awful lot <3

  4. I'm really enjoying this series :) I completely agree that at 12 I probably should've kept my wits about me to, I was happy to be friends with anyone and didn't notice that they were being horrible I just sat there in my naivity letting them walk all over me :) Better times now though !

    Lots of love, Marianne xxx

    1. I totally get that- I think I was the exact same :(
      Thankfully I think we've both grown up a bit now <3

  5. I'm really enjoying this series :) I completely agree that at 12 I probably should've kept my wits about me to, I was happy to be friends with anyone and didn't notice that they were being horrible I just sat there in my naivity letting them walk all over me :) Better times now though !

    Lots of love, Marianne xxx

  6. I love your writing style in these posts and I think it's so great that you are able to look back and think about what advice you wish you had had when you were younger. <3

    1. thank you so much <3 it means lots that you actually read them all, lots of love x

  7. Omg I love this! This is such a great idea and it was one of the coolest posts I've read. Maybe in the future when I'm older I'll do these, too. I honestly can't get over this idea, lol.

    1. thank youuu <3 That's so sweet of you. You really should- it's so good to reflect on x

  8. I love this post! The series is an awesome idea and the advice that you gave to your twelve year old self can seriously help someone!
    Keep being amazing :)
    Peace xo

    1. I hope it does- I'd love if someone reading this actually considered some of the advice I'd give to myself <3

  9. Yeah, I wish I hadn't been so pushover-like and having my little happy bubble burst was an awful shock. I've thankfully grown up a bit now though :) x
